Gift Philosophy


Our Philosophy

We are the leader in commitment of time and money for the development of better solutions and workflows. What differentiates us is that we are also just as committed to investing in our Customer Service team.

What we realized early on is that:

We need FEEDBACK. Without FEEDBACK there is NO Learning, Growth, Change

And although we attend the trade shows and make every effort to engage with customers, our best and most meaningful engagement happens every day in the form of Customer feedback (other organizations call feedback “complaints”).

Our Journey

In 2021 Rebooku realized that in order to Give and Get the best out of every engagement engaged we needed a new perspective and outside thinking.  We partnered with an independent training development company to select a book that best represented our vison with real life best practices.  We choose the incredible and must-read book “A Complaint is a Gift” to be the heart of our initial efforts to transform our business processes.

This work, is always evolving and being fine tuned but after extensive training and feedback in 2022, we truly believe we are on the right track to offering the best customer experience in our industry